Chemo caps and baby blankets

Chemo caps and baby blankets.  I just never knew that the road would include sewing  both at the same time.  And for the same age group of people.  I haven’t posted for a long time but I have thought about it. At the beginning of April my middle child had what we expected to be surgery for a mass or growth on an ovary.  We were all shocked when they discovered that she had ovarian cancer.  Instead of removing just the mass she had a complete hysterectomy.  She is only 33.  She’s moved from Portland into her old bedroom and is spending her time working, sleeping, reconnecting with old friends and doing chemo for 18 weeks after the 5 weeks recovery from the surgery.  Certainly not how any of us had planned on spending the summer.  She is treating this experience with grace, dignity and a positive attitude.  It’s a pleasure to have her with us again while she deals with this “detour” in her life.  She had been transitioning to a job with her company here in Seattle and they have been great at supporting her and that is a blessing too.

The next step of course is dealing with hair loss.  This has been harder than we expected but I keep telling her it’s a good thing she has a great looking head!  Some friends have sent her knitted caps which she loves.  I’m not a knitter and those knitted caps are really her preference.  I have tried making her some sewn caps but also know this has been mostly for me and not for her.  It’s hard to know as a mom and a parent how best to support these kids when they are adults but have such huge challenges in their lives.  We do the best we can.  The other side of this is so many of her friends are having babies. New babies, expecting babies and all of that.  Still fun but makes one stop and be grateful for the children that we do have and heartache for the things we can’t control.

All that being said, I have had fun sewing chemo caps and baby quilts and tag blankets. I’ll have several more things to share here soon.  I’m in the process of baby quilts and tag blankets.  I’ve made several of those for my niece because her daughter has loved them and she would like to buy some from me for her friends. So for now, here is the cap that really turned out the best.. if I can get a picture of the others I’ll do that.  One of the other ones turned out well but I’m not sure it will ever get worn.  And also a cap that came from a dear friend that is turning out to be a favorite.  Chemo caps and baby blankets will continue here for a while.  A nice diversion for our next few months.

do rag chemo cap





Kim hat



  1. Terri

    Wow! What a surprise. So glad she is on the road to recovery and you are able to be there for support. It must be terribly frightening. I hope you are taking time for yourself as well. BTW, I think the cap is adorable!

    • Patty

      Thanks Terri, She is is on the way to recovery and that’s good!

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